frequently asked questions
FAQ page
Before you contact one of our specialists, maybe your question is already in the list below.
Here you find answers to questions about:
- Support
- Spare parts
- Service and maintenance
- Manuals
Feel free to contact us if your question is not in the FAQ!
Spare parts
Installation and service
- You can reach Seed Processing Holland on workdays between 07:00 AM – 06:00 PM CET on + 31 228 784 130.
- You can also contact us via service@seedprocessing.nl. Our Service Team will contact you as soon as possible.
For email enquiries, to help you as quickly as possible, please provide the following information:
For a malfunctioning machine:
• Serial number of machine(s)*
• A detailed description of the problem(s)
• Photographs or short films of the problem(s)
For spare part requests:
• Serial number of machine(s)*
• A detailed description of the part(s) needed
• Photographs of the part(s) and location in the machine
* Shown on the CE sticker on the machine.
- Serial number and model code of your machine: both are on the “CE sticker” on the machine.
- Provide a description of the malfunction.
- For example: my thresher does not start, the malfunction lamp on the switch box is on, the touch screen alarm page shows the following malfunctions …
- Photographs or short films of the problem(s). Add a photo of the problem and/ or touch screen page(s).
- Use the serial number and short malfunction description in the subjectline of your email.
- If you have a Remote Service Unit for remote access to your machine(s). Connect it to the machine and to the internet by WAN/ WIFI/ 4G.
- Our service engineers can visit you worldwide.
- For “Emergencies” and “Normal” service/ maintenance we schedule a visit.
- We can remotely access machines with a PLC/ Touch screen using remote access hard- and software.
- For certain regions/countries we have local partners to support you.
- Please refer to our International partners.
- We answer your questions by email.
- We answer your questions by telephone on workdays between 07:00 AM – 06:00 PM CET.
- We can remotely access machines with a PLC/Touch screen using remote access hard- and software.
- The Remote Service Unit is a device that allows Seed Processing Holland access to your machine via the internet using WAN/ WIFI/ 4G. This only works with machines that have a PLC/Touch screen.
- We sell a Remote Service Unit that you can use for multiple machines.
- This is a lower cost option than an integrated unit but requires you to manually connect to the machine to the unit.
- Once connected we can access, with your permission, your machine 24/7 without you being present.
- We can integrate a Remote Service Unit in your machine.
- When integrated and connected to the internet we can access, with your permission, your machine 24/7 without you being present.
- This allows a quicker response time.
- When connected to your machine and the internet, the Remote Service Unit provides a secure VPN connection between Seed Processing Holland and your machines PLC/ Touch screen.
- This allows our staff to view and operate your machine to solve the disturbance.
- WAN/ WIFI/ 4G sim card.
- We use IXON routers with a secured VPN connection.
- For information about their safety protocols please visit https://www.ixon.cloud/security
Spare parts
- Check if a spare part list is present in your user manual.
- Contact us via service@seedprocessing.nl.
- To help you as quickly and efficiently as possible please provide us with:
- Serial number and model code of your machine. Both are on the “CE sticker” on the machine.
- A detailed description of the part(s) needed. Refer to the spare part list in your user manual.
- Photographs of the part(s) and location in the machine.
- To minimize down time.
- We recommend to keep stock of critical spare parts on site.
- If there is no spare parts list present in your user manual, contact us to request a list/quotation.
Installation and service
- A service contract is not a necessity, but preventive service of your machine helps by:
- ensuring peak performance of the machine so that your end product is of the quality you expect.
- extends the life of the machine.
- prevents/ reduces down time due to disturbances.
- We provide tailor made service contracts for your machine(s) and installation(s).
- These contracts can contain preventive planned maintenance, disturbance solving (on site and/or remote), spare parts….
- The costs of service depend on many factors like the complexity of the machine(s), the interval of service visits and the runtime of the machine(s).
- Contact us via service@seedprocessing.nl for a quotation.
- General maintenance and problem solving is described in the User Manual supplied with the machine.
- Replacing/maintaining certain parts require specialist knowledge.
- Maintenance on parts of the installation that contain refrigerants legally requires certified personnel.
- We supply service ourselves or via one of our local partners. Your own service personnel and/or local partners may also be able to solve the issues.
- On request we can supply support for your own service personnel and/or local partners. Costs may be charged for that support.
- General installation is described in the User Manual supplied with the machine, but certain machines and larger installations require specialist knowledge.
- Installations containing refrigerants require certified personnel for installation.
- We can supply service ourselves or by one of our local partners. We can also collaborate with your own service personnel and/or local partners.
- Contact your Sales account manager to discuss the options when ordering your machine or installation.
- In general, the User Manual is placed in the central switchbox of the machine.
- If missing, send an email to service@seedprocessing.nl with subject:
- Please send the User Manual with serial number (fill in the serial number of your machine, you can find it on the CE sticker of the switch box).
- In general, we supply a one-year warranty on your machine after delivery or completion.
- If agreed differently at time of purchase (extended warranty or special installations) this can be longer.
- That warranty period is mentioned in the order confirmation.
- Are all doors and (inspection) hatches closed?
- Did you set all process settings on the touch screen?
- The Emergency stop is activated. Deactivate it.
- The Manual (service) mode is activated. No process can be started in manual mode. Deactivate Manual mode.
- Are all the doors and hatches closed?
- Close air valves/flaps/slots that are not used.
- The air needs to flow through the product for drying and correct readings from the sensors.
- Have you set a drying temperature, an end RH and process times?
- for 30% RH the minimum temperature is 22,5°C / 72.5°F
- for 25% RH the minimum temperature is 25,5°C / 77,9°F
- for 20% RH the minimum temperature is 29,5°C / 85.1°F
- If the product is too wet, drying can take (too) long, use a centrifuge first.
- If too much product is placed in the dryer, the air flow will not be good.
- Seed containers and drums must never exceed the maximum of 50% seed volume.
- Set the ventilator speeds to match the amount of product in the containers or drums. Too slow does not dry, too fast damages the product.
- Check and clean the air filters.
- The performance of dryers is influenced by the status of the filters, ensure the filters are in good condition and replace them in time!
- Check your user manual for more information.
- The beater speed is too slow or fast.
- Too slow and the seeds do not get threshed.
- Too fast and the seeds gets damaged.
- You may not be using the correct size mantle.
- When the perforation is smaller than the seeds, the seeds are discharged together with the waste materials.
- When the perforation is (much) too large, too much waste material is mixed with the threshed seeds.
- Is the distance between the beater and mantle corresponding with your product?
- When the distance is too small, the seeds get damaged.
- Serial number and model code of your machine: both are on the “CE sticker” on the machine.
- Provide a description of the malfunction.
- For example: my thresher does not start, the malfunction lamp on the switch box is on, the touch screen alarm page shows the following malfunctions …
- Photographs or short films of the problem(s). Add a photo of the problem and/ or touch screen page(s).
- Use the serial number and short malfunction description in the subjectline of your email.
- If you have a Remote Service Unit for remote access to your machine(s). Connect it to the machine and to the internet by WAN/ WIFI/ 4G.
- Our service engineers can visit you worldwide.
- For “Emergencies” and “Normal” service/ maintenance we schedule a visit.
- We can remotely access machines with a PLC/ Touch screen using remote access hard- and software.
- For certain regions/countries we have local partners to support you.
- Please refer to our International partners.
- We answer your questions by email.
- We answer your questions by telephone on workdays between 07:00 AM – 06:00 PM CET.
- We can remotely access machines with a PLC/Touch screen using remote access hard- and software.
- The Remote Service Unit is a device that allows Seed Processing Holland access to your machine via the internet using WAN/ WIFI/ 4G. This only works with machines that have a PLC/Touch screen.
- We sell a Remote Service Unit that you can use for multiple machines.
- This is a lower cost option than an integrated unit but requires you to manually connect to the machine to the unit.
- Once connected we can access, with your permission, your machine 24/7 without you being present.
- We can integrate a Remote Service Unit in your machine.
- When integrated and connected to the internet we can access, with your permission, your machine 24/7 without you being present.
- This allows a quicker response time.
- When connected to your machine and the internet, the Remote Service Unit provides a secure VPN connection between Seed Processing Holland and your machines PLC/ Touch screen.
- This allows our staff to view and operate your machine to solve the disturbance.
- WAN/ WIFI/ 4G sim card.
- We use IXON routers with a secured VPN connection.
- For information about their safety protocols please visit https://www.ixon.cloud/security
- Check if a spare part list is present in your user manual.
- Contact us via service@seedprocessing.nl.
- To help you as quickly and efficiently as possible please provide us with:
- Serial number and model code of your machine. Both are on the “CE sticker” on the machine.
- A detailed description of the part(s) needed. Refer to the spare part list in your user manual.
- Photographs of the part(s) and location in the machine.
- To minimize down time.
- We recommend to keep stock of critical spare parts on site.
- If there is no spare parts list present in your user manual, contact us to request a list/quotation.
- A service contract is not a necessity, but preventive service of your machine helps by:
- ensuring peak performance of the machine so that your end product is of the quality you expect.
- extends the life of the machine.
- prevents/ reduces down time due to disturbances.
- We provide tailor made service contracts for your machine(s) and installation(s).
- These contracts can contain preventive planned maintenance, disturbance solving (on site and/or remote), spare parts….
- The costs of service depend on many factors like the complexity of the machine(s), the interval of service visits and the runtime of the machine(s).
- Contact us via service@seedprocessing.nl for a quotation.
- General maintenance and problem solving is described in the User Manual supplied with the machine.
- Replacing/maintaining certain parts require specialist knowledge.
- Maintenance on parts of the installation that contain refrigerants legally requires certified personnel.
- We supply service ourselves or via one of our local partners. Your own service personnel and/or local partners may also be able to solve the issues.
- On request we can supply support for your own service personnel and/or local partners. Costs may be charged for that support.
- General installation is described in the User Manual supplied with the machine, but certain machines and larger installations require specialist knowledge.
- Installations containing refrigerants require certified personnel for installation.
- We can supply service ourselves or by one of our local partners. We can also collaborate with your own service personnel and/or local partners.
- Contact your Sales account manager to discuss the options when ordering your machine or installation.
- In general, the User Manual is placed in the central switchbox of the machine.
- If missing, send an email to service@seedprocessing.nl with subject:
- Please send the User Manual with serial number (fill in the serial number of your machine, you can find it on the CE sticker of the switch box).
- In general, we supply a one-year warranty on your machine after delivery or completion.
- If agreed differently at time of purchase (extended warranty or special installations) this can be longer.
- That warranty period is mentioned in the order confirmation.
- Are all doors and (inspection) hatches closed?
- Did you set all process settings on the touch screen?
- The Emergency stop is activated. Deactivate it.
- The Manual (service) mode is activated. No process can be started in manual mode. Deactivate Manual mode.
- Are all the doors and hatches closed?
- Close air valves/flaps/slots that are not used.
- The air needs to flow through the product for drying and correct readings from the sensors.
- Have you set a drying temperature, an end RH and process times?
- for 30% RH the minimum temperature is 22,5°C / 72.5°F
- for 25% RH the minimum temperature is 25,5°C / 77,9°F
- for 20% RH the minimum temperature is 29,5°C / 85.1°F
- If the product is too wet, drying can take (too) long, use a centrifuge first.
- If too much product is placed in the dryer, the air flow will not be good.
- Seed containers and drums must never exceed the maximum of 50% seed volume.
- Set the ventilator speeds to match the amount of product in the containers or drums. Too slow does not dry, too fast damages the product.
- Check and clean the air filters.
- The performance of dryers is influenced by the status of the filters, ensure the filters are in good condition and replace them in time!
- Check your user manual for more information.
- The beater speed is too slow or fast.
- Too slow and the seeds do not get threshed.
- Too fast and the seeds gets damaged.
- You may not be using the correct size mantle.
- When the perforation is smaller than the seeds, the seeds are discharged together with the waste materials.
- When the perforation is (much) too large, too much waste material is mixed with the threshed seeds.
- Is the distance between the beater and mantle corresponding with your product?
- When the distance is too small, the seeds get damaged.